The current weather forecast is calling for our area to potentially receive more significant snow Thursday/Friday. We would like to remind everybody that the extra snow removal with the back-hoe during the last snow storm was a special circumstance: specifically, two major snow storms within days of each other. We will not be contracting for that additional back-hoe service going forward.
A few other items we wanted to remind everyone of:
1. Residents are required (per the rules/regulations) to clear a path on all sidewalks within the unit boundaries. Additionally, snow is not to be shoveled onto the roadways thus causing a driving hazard. Snow removal should be completed within 24 hours after the end of each snowfall.
2. The Association has a contract for snow removal on Red Oak, Elm Court and the North Gorski Annex only. Please be aware that snow removal is not "curb-to-curb" and large piles of snow left by residents are not included in our contract.
3. Dogwood Lane and North Gorski (proper) are plowed and maintained by Skippack Township. We encourage residents to contact the Township at 610-454-0909 with any concerns.
Thank you all for making Fairlawn Court a wonderful community. With your cooperation and understanding you truly make this a great place to live!
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