Friday, March 04, 2011

FCCA Annual Meeting

The Annual Membership Meeting of the Fairlawn Court Community Association has been scheduled for Tuesday March 15, 2011 at 7:00 PM.  The meeting will be held in the Community Room at the Skippack Township Municipal Building on Heckler Road.  Entrance to the community room is at the rear of the building.

Below is the agenda for this year’s meeting:

1.             Introduction of current board members
2.             Approval of last year’s annual meeting minutes
3.             Nominations for new members
4.             Election of board members
5.             2010 year-end Financial Report
6.             Review and approval of 2011 budget
7.             Property Management Company
8.             Energy Alternatives
9.             Re-writing of the Rules and Regulations
10.         Your comments and concerns
11.         Raffle Drawing for Gift Card

A proxy form for those who are unable to attend the annual meeting was mailed to all the homeowners.  If you cannot attend the annual meeting on March 15, please designate someone who will be at the meeting to vote in your place.  Give your signed form to the person you designate to cast your vote.  Please note: this proxy shall remain in effect until the conclusion of this meeting, the rescheduled meeting, or the adjournment meeting unless earlier terminated by the issuing homeowner.

This year, we decided it would be fun to host a raffle drawing for a $50 gift card to a local area restaurant.  Each household in attendance or any household who submits a proxy will be entered in the raffle drawing.  The drawing will be held at the conclusion of the meeting.

Thank you and we hope to see you there.

The Fairlawn Court Community Association Board